Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Slice #2 - Dearest Emma

Dearest Emma,

As March approached this year, my mind filled with dread at the mere thought of committing to the Slice of Life challenge again.  Truthfully, I pushed the entire idea out of my head any time it started to inch its wicked way in.  Then one day, after a very difficult week at work, I found a beautiful note in my mailbox.  The moment I saw the Mickey on the front, I knew it was from you!

Somehow, every word in that little note was precisely what I needed to hear that day.  You gave me encouragement in a moment I desperately needed it.  And then, at the end of this precious card, you asked me to slice again.  Oh, Emma!  You know I hate this so much!  But somehow knowing that you are reading this again has given me the motivation to try once more. 

I can’t promise you anything special this year – I am rather out of good ideas.  I have told so many of the stories I know to tell.  However, I promise you this…I will slice every day.  Just for you!

Thank you for being one of the sweetest, most precious young ladies I know.  Thank you, also, for believing in my writing, even when I struggle to believe in it myself!

Math still rules!

Mrs. Smith


  1. Reading this made me cry. I am glad that I was able to have you as a teacher last year!

  2. Reading this made me cry. I am glad that I was able to have you as a teacher last year!

  3. And I was grateful to have you as my student! :)
