Tuesday, March 17, 2015

14 More Days (Slice #17 - Being Green)

Kermit the Frog once said, “It’s not that easy being green.”  Well, why not?  There are so many fabulous green things in this world that I should think it would be great being green!  So, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, the greenest day of the year, here are a few of my favorite green things…

Lori’s Top Ten Favorite Green Things:

10.  Sonic Limeades – I am not much of a soda drinker, but every now and then, especially in the heat of the summer, I get the biggest craving for a fizzy, zesty Sonic Limeade!  No cherries for me – just the original, delicious classic please.

9.  Salad – I absolutely love a good salad!  Some may call it “rabbit food,” but not me.  I believe salads are delicious and an important staple in a healthy diet!

8.  Money – While this is not my Number 1 favorite green thing and obviously should not be a priority in life, it certainly has to make the list.  Where would we all be without a little green cash in our pockets?

7.  House Plants – House plants used to terrify me.  I could kill a cactus just by looking at it – honestly!  But now I have developed a little bit of a green thumb and actually have five living plants in my home!  These plants not only are lovely to look at, but also help purify the air in the house as well. 

6.  Irish Spring Soap – I have tried every single soap brand that exists and the only one for me is Irish Springs!  Its bright, fresh scent wakes me up in the morning and leaves my skin extra soft.  No, this is not a paid advertisement – I just really like it!

5.  Fresh Cut Grass – Fresh cut grass reminds me of my childhood – playing outside in the summer, running the bases at the softball field, riding the lawnmower for the very first time.  No matter where I am, the moment that smell hits my nose, I can close my eyes and feel like a kid again.

4.  Vegetables – You name it, I love it!  Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, peas, zucchini, and peppers are just a few of my favorites.  If it is a green vegetable, I am guaranteed to enjoy it!
3.  Sea Turtles – Sea turtles are just plain awesome.  Enough said.

2.  Aaron’s Eyes – Sappy?  Yes, but it’s true.  My husband has the most captivating green eyes, and I could get lost in them for hours!  

1.  Kermit the Frog – Kermit has topped my list of favorite green things for as long as I can remember (sorry, Aaron).  I spent so much of my childhood watching Kermit on Sesame Street and in the Muppet movies.  He was always so full of dry humor and wisdom, and even as an adult, I still adore him to this day! 

So there you have it!  Wishing you a very happy and GREEN St. Patrick’s Day!


Miss Collins, I believe you are not holding up your end of this bargain.  So, to help you get back on track, here is the easiest math problem I can manage to give:

2 + 1 = _____

*Kiddos, please help remind Miss Collins that she promised to answer these questions every day!  :)  I'm sure she'll appreciate your encouragement!


  1. Your story was funny! You said: Sea Turtle are just plain awesome. Enough said. It was funny! But I do like your story.

  2. Miss Collins said she is insulting my intelligenece! NO! I REFUSE to answer! Ha ha!

    1. Miss Collins not did answer this problem. Srry Smith :(. BUT I will give you happy is RULE MATH!

    2. Miss Collins not did answer this problem. Srry Smith :(. BUT I will give you happy is RULE MATH!

  3. Miss Collins said she is insulting my intelligenece! NO! I REFUSE to answer! Ha ha!
