Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Slice #1 - Not Again

Can it be true?  Am I really here…back at the keyboard again?  The daunting white screen, the mocking cursor, the sterile keyboard all staring at me – taunting me.  

Please say it isn’t so.

Please let this all be a terrible, terrible dream.  A nightmare…

It has been nearly 336 days of sweet, glorious bliss!  11 months of calm and certainty.   8,064 hours of numbers and patterns, black and white, right and wrong.  483,840 minutes free from fear and frustration.  29,030,400 seconds (approximately) of no writing whatsoever!!!   

Well sure, I have written cards, letters, lesson plans, and emails in the past year, but nothing like this.  No baring my soul for all to see.  No searching the depths of my brain for words or inspiration.  No praying each night for a world-wide catastrophe simply to avoid the empty white page of doom.  Absolutely NO “slicing!”

Gosh, it was wonderful!

And yet, here I am.

March 1st proved unavoidable.  Inevitable. 

So for my students, my friends, and I suppose even myself, I will face this challenge once more.  I survived this before – maybe I can do it again. 

Only 30 more slices… 


  1. I like how you snuck the math in there ;)

  2. I am glad you are slicing again!

  3. I am glad you are slicing again!

  4. I feel your pain, Mrs. Smith! I can't believe I'm doing this for a third time!

  5. I feel your pain, Mrs. Smith! I can't believe I'm doing this for a third time!

  6. once you start to wright more often it wont seem that hard just like math it looks hard at once but then you get the hang of it. :)

    1. A very good point! Thanks for the encouragement!

  7. I know you can do it Mrs. Smith!! If you've done it before, i know you can do it again! I have faith in you!!!

    1. Thanks, Erica! I'm sure trying! This is honestly very difficult for me!
